Hippocampi from two sample brains (one representative AD patient and one healthy control from the ADNI database) were segmented following all of the 12 protocols:

- B Bartzokis (Bartzokis G et al.; Psychiatry Res 1998; 82:11-24)
- C Convit & DeLeon (Convit A et al.; Neurobiol Aging 1997; 18:131-8)
- dTM deToledo-Morrell (deToledo Morrell L et al.; Neurobiol Aging 2004; 25:1197-203)
- H Haller & Csernansky (Haller JW et al.; Radiology 1997; 202:504-10)
- J Jack (Jack CR; Epilepsia 1994; 35(S6):S21-S29)
- K Killiany (Killiany RJ et al.; Arch Neurol. 1993; 50:949-54)
- L Lehericy (Lehericy S et al.; AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1994; 15:929-37)
- M Malykhin (Malykhin NV et al.; Psychiatry Res 2007; 155: 155-65)
- Pa Pantel (Pantel J et al.; Hippocampus 2000; 10:752-8)
- Pr Pruessner (Puessner JC et al.; Cereb Cortex 2000; 10:433-42)
- S Soininen (Soininen HS et al.; Neurology 1994; 44:1660-8)
- W Watson (Watson C et al.; Neurology 1992; 42:1743-1750)