On this web-page you can download the products of the EADC-ADNI Harmonized Protocol project.
The aim of the project, involving the major international experts of hippocampal segmentation in Alzheimer's research, was to harmonize the available protocols for the manual segmentation of the hippocampus on MR images in order to define a standard protocol. The resulting EADC-ADNI Harmonized Hippocampal Protocol (HarP) will be the standard segmentation method for hippocampal volumetry in diagnostic studies, clinical trials, and algorithm validation efforts.
In the other sections of this web-site you can find information about the different steps of the project.
The products of the project, and pertinent reference material, are the following:
Harmonized Hippocampal Protocol
If you used this protocol, please reference it with
papers in your publications.
Certified hippocampal expansion labels ("Expansion" project) in *.ucf format, segmented by expert tracers according to the Harmonized Protocol. The protocol prescribes to exclude internal CSF pools.
For users’ convenience, we also provide voxelized labels in *.mnc and *.nii formats. Voxelized labels reoriented in native space are also available here. However, please consider the *.ucf segmentations as the reference for proper segmentation based on the HarP. (Update, March 30, 2015: the voxelized labels of subject 007_S_1304 have been reoriented due to an improper swap found in the left-right direction.)
The released labels were obtained from these 135 ADNI images segmented in AC-PC. Instructions to download the oriented images corresponding to the released labels can be found here (see top panel, "Final Release").
If you use these labels, please reference them with the following paper in your publications:
Alzheimers Dement. 2015;11(2):175–183.
If you used the previous preliminary release (the set of 100 labels), you can use the same reference but please specify that you used the preliminary release of the labels. - Orientation function files .
- A web training platform, allowing tracers to learn, train and qualify for the hippocampal segmentation based on the Harmonized Protocol. If you used this platform, please reference it with the following papers in your publications:
- The platform is described in Alzheimers Dement. 2015;11(2):161–174. The production of the benchmark labels used in the platform is reported in Alzheimers Dement. 2014;11(2):151–160.e5.
- Certified consensual labels for the MNI template. Production and validity of the MNI labels are described at the following link
Alzheimers Dement. 2015;11(2):161–174.
Alzheimers Dement. 2014;11(2):151–160.e5.
Dr. Simon Duchesne